Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Man Jailed for Torturing/Molesting a 4-year-old child

The Georgetown Police Department has arrested 24-year-old Kevin Lamar Pearson for charges of Criminal abuse in the first degree, and Sexual abuse in the first degree - victim under twelve years of age. Both charges are Class C felonies that carry a maximum sentence of ten years in prison.

According to police records - during a forensic interview - the victim described the crime. The accused is said to have subjected the child to sexual contact and abuse that caused torture.

There are more gruesome details included in the report but this blog feels they are so disgusting in nature that we would rather not print them. The seriousness of these details are not to be diminished in any way, we just feel it is not acceptable content, and age appropriate for our Blog or Facebook page.

The defendant was in court on on Tuesday where Judge Mary Jane Phelps ordered the bond to stay at $10,000 full cash due to prior convictions involving minors.

Kevin  Lamar Pearson
The Judge is referring to a case from November of 2008 where the subject was convicted of Unlawful transaction with a minor when he admitted to smoking marijuana in a vehicle with a juvenile.

Mr. Pearson was placed on two years of supervised probation where he violated the conditions twice. Once for failure to report to KAP upon release from jail, and also failure to cooperate in attaining a criminal record. Both times his probation was reinstated.

He was discharged from probation, after having plead guilty, on January 6th of 2011.

The subject is being held at Scott County Detention Center awaiting a future court date.

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